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Self Sovereign Identity: Building the pillars of a new data economy by Daniel Díez
Christopher Allen - Ideology & Architecture of Self-Sovereign Identity | Odyssey Connect 2020
Identity and the quest for Self Sovereign Identity - Daniel Hardman
Webinar - The Rise of Self Sovereign Identity in the New Economy
3Box: Generating bottoms up demand for self sovereign identity - Danny Zuckerman
A new data economy with power to the people | Trent McConaghy | TEDxFrankfurt
Self Sovereign Identity, empowered by Catapult (Part 01 of 02)
Blockchain Is Revolutionizing Your Digital Identity And Government Can Lead The Way
Documentary: Managing Identities in the Era of Digital Transformation
8. Trust, revocation and correction in a self-sovereign identity system
Cross-Blockchain Infrastructure for Title Tokens and Digital Identity